The Value Me Story

Transform 100 Million lives



Creating a World of Clarity

Value Me Journeys’ mission is to help people experience life as a menu that can be ordered from. Our learn-by-doing journey reality experiences can help everyone develop the skills, habits, and discipline to take life’s wonderful bounty with transformative clarity.


We believe that a gamified lifestyle of “trial-by-fire” experiences guided by daily direction can make us the people we were born to be.

The Value Me Story

Our Genesis: A Visionary Leap

In the bustling convergence of technology and personal development, Value Me Journeys was born out of Jermon Green’s audacious dream: to revolutionize how we perceive and pursue personal growth. Like the ancient Spartans, who were renowned for their unyielding commitment to excellence and strength, Jermon envisioned a platform that challenges the status quo of learning and self-improvement.

Jermon, a pioneer at heart, saw the potential to blend augmented reality (AR), virtual reality (VR), and artificial intelligence (AI) with the transformative power of real-life experiences. This vision was not just about creating another educational tool but about forging a new path to personal empowerment and societal change.

The Journey Begins

Inspired by his own experiences and the stories of countless individuals striving for more meaningful lives, Jermon set out to build Value Me Journeys. Each journey crafted on this platform is a testament to the belief that everyone deserves to live a life of purpose and passion.

Like the Spartan races that push participants to their limits, Value Me Journeys invites individuals to step out of their comfort zones and embark on personalized paths of discovery. These journeys are not just about reaching a destination but about transforming oneself along the way.

"16 Years Ago - Jermon started what would become Value Me Journeys"

Welcome To Your Next Life.

Welcome To Your Value Me Journey.

 Bridging Gaps, Building Futures

At its core, Value Me Journeys is about more than personal development; it’s a movement toward democratizing education and opportunities. By harnessing emerging technologies, Jermon aims to bridge educational and opportunity gaps, particularly in STEM fields and beyond, making growth accessible to all.

This commitment mirrors Uber’s approach to innovation and inclusivity, offering a platform that connects and empowers. Value Me Journeys similarly connects participants with on-demand coaches, content creators, and a supportive community, fostering an ecosystem where growth is continuous and collaborative.

The Value Me Promise: Your Journey, Your Transformation

Value Me Journeys stands as a beacon of innovation, inviting everyone to experience the power of

 living through success stories. It’s not just about where you’re going but who you become along the way. With every step, participants are not just learning; they are evolving.

Jermon Green’s message is clear: “Welcome to your next life. Welcome to your Value Me Journey.” This invitation is not just to learn but to experience, to transform, and to triumph.

 Join the Movement

As we continue to expand and evolve, our mission remains steadfast: to empower individuals to realize their full potential and to build a more skilled, adaptable global populace ready for the challenges of the future. Join us on this journey of discovery and transformation. Together, we can make the audacious achievable.

Welcome to Value Me Journeys. Welcome to the future of personal development

Company info

Who’s the team

We’re building a culture within Value Me Journeys that emphasizes doing the right thing, period, for participants, coaches, and employees. Find out more about the team that’s leading the way.