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Life and Wealth Mastery



Posted by: Team Tony
Mastery University promotes life-long learning to help you create your most extraordinary life. Immerse yourself at 4 of Tony’s most life-changing live events, learn new skills directly from Tony Robbins and his hand-selected experts and receive 1:1 coaching, so you can finally master all aspects of your life – mind, body, emotions, physical health, finances, time and business.


  • Date With Destiny – Discover your True Purpose – 6 days LIVE with Tony Robbins
  • Life Mastery – Revitalize Your Body & Empower Your Mind – 4 days of health and rejuvenation
  • Wealth Mastery – Achieve Financial Freedom – 3 days of expert financial insights
  • Unleash the Power Within – Create Your Breakthrough – 3 1/2 days LVIE with Tony Robbins
  • Results Coaching – Get Your Winning Edge – 1:1 custom coaching
  • Online Strengths Profile – Discover What Drives You – learn your behavioral style and align your strengths to enhance success


Created with flexibility in mind, you can customize your journey to attend events in the order that works best for your life and schedule.
  • You have 36 months to complete all items in the package
  • You can attend each of the 4 events separately
  • These is no set order – you pick what’s best for you!
  • Along your journey, you will have a support team to help you proceed



Discover Who You Are
  • Understand the primary drivers behind your behavior and emotions
  • Discover the three core decisions that shape who you are
  • Realign the rules and values that operate your life to enhance your joy and fulfillment
Ignite Passion in Your Life
  • Discover the secrets behind finding, creating and maintaining lasting, passionate relationships
  • Strip away your fears and remove beliefs that are keeping you from true connection
  • Learn about the power of polarity and discover the type of person that will be the best partner for you
Design The Life of Your Dreams
  • Learn to think from the heart and gain the courage to be yourself no matter what
  • Create an actionable, personal blueprint to define your life’s direction moving forward
  • Integrate the tools you’ve learned into your psychological state and physical body to create the life you desire

“You must come! If there is a spark that is alive in you, that spark will turn into a flame – Date With Destiny is beyond your wildest dreams.” – Melissa Etheridge



Revitalize Your Body – Cleanse & Detox
  • Eliminate unhealthy cravings and behaviors, and free your body of unwanted toxins
  • Discover the healing power of nutrient-rich vegetable and fruit juices, fresh wheatgrass, essential oils and raw foods
  • Develop anew level of focus, alertness and vitality similar to your youth
Discover Your Inner Strength
  • Rip open your limitations and develop a renewed level of confidence as you climb a 50-foot pole and launch yourself into the air
  • Receive strategies and insights to take control of your health and well-being, with exclusive access to Tony’s hand-selected speakers and experts in the field.
  • Deep dive into a bonus Relationship Breakout to explore topics like your ideal mate 
Achieve Balance – Emotional Mastery
  • Learn to shift emotions in an instant and approach any situation with calmness and confidence
  • Overcome beliefs and thoughts that aren’t serving you to enhance the joy in your life
  • Develop the conviction to face obstacles head-on, and become a force to be reckoned with

“I’ve already found more energy. The main things I deal with day to day are gone – no pain, no nothing. It’s amazing to feel your body healing itself!’ - Tashana Bennett



Develop a Wealth Mindset – Psychology
  • Discover the true definition of wealth, and learn why more people aren’t wealthy (so you can avoid common obstacles to financial freedom)
  • Learn tools to navigate change and model successful strategies used by the top financial minds
  • Get expert advice from some of the world’s most successful investors, traders and Tony’s trusted financial partners
Navigate Change – Grow Wealth in Hard Times
  • Learn how to take advantage in any economic environment through tools like Asset Allocation
  • Discover the top 4 guiding principles that Tony learned from his interviews for Money: Master the Game.
  • Grow your understanding of alternative financial vehicles to minimize risk and build wealth
Own Your Financial Future
  • Get exclusive access and financial tips from Tony’s personal financial advisor, Ajay Gupta.
  • Learn the 5 Financial dreams and receive your personalized plan to create lasting wealth
  • Hear from top wealth entrepreneurs, like Futurist Peter Diamandis, on why the opportunities are more abundant than you think

“If I had been here 3 years ago & implemented what I learned. I would be at least $200K more well off, maybe more. It’s not a question of if, it’s when – and when is now!” – Laurie-Anne King, Business Owner


Your Mastery University package includes six 1:1 coaching sessions. Keep your momentum going after and between your live events with your own dedicated 1:1 Results Coach. Trained in Tony Robbins proprietary tools and methodologies, your Results Coach helps you breakthrough limitations, set new goals and keeps you accountable. From mindset to accountability, strategic thinking to execution, your Results Coach is always there to help you reach your peak.

“Coaching has empowered me more than anything. It gives me the tools, drive and determination to finish every single one of my goals.” – Ana Antonawich, Nurse Practitioner and Author


Complete the form by clicking the “take action” button above or call 858-713-8299 and Mastery University Representative will connect with you to provide any additional details you need.

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