Adventure Levels

Adventure Level 1: Guided Exploration

  • Description: This level offers a highly structured and guided experience akin to a tutorial level in video games. It’s designed for guests new to the JRE format or those seeking to develop foundational skills and habits in a supportive, low-risk environment.
  • Implementation: Use AR, VR, and MR technologies to create immersive, guided tutorials introducing guests to key concepts, skills, and behaviors. Include interactive elements that require minimal decision-making, focusing on observation, following instructions, and understanding the JRE framework.

Adventure Level 2: Structured Challenges

  • Description: At this level, guests engage in more structured challenges that require active decision-making within a controlled environment. The challenges reinforce foundational skills and introduce intermediate concepts that build upon Level 1 experiences.
  • Implementation: Develop challenges that offer a balance of guidance and independence, allowing guests to apply skills in scenarios that mimic real-world situations. Use AI companions and GearUp sessions to provide hints, feedback, and just-in-time learning resources.

Adventure Level 3: Collaborative Quests

  • Description: This level emphasizes collaboration and teamwork in more complex and less predictable environments. Participants must work with others to overcome challenges, requiring communication, problem-solving, and adaptive learning.
  • Implementation: Utilize MR and AR to create collaborative quests that simulate real-life group dynamics and social interactions. Integrate role-playing elements and group decision-making exercises to foster community and peer learning.

Adventure Level 4: Independent Mastery

  • Description: Participants at this level engage in advanced challenges with minimal guidance, simulating real-life situations and decision-making. This level is designed for guests who have developed a strong foundation in the relevant skills and are ready to apply them in unstructured, dynamic scenarios.
  • Implementation: Offer challenges and scenarios that require guests to independently navigate complex situations, make strategic decisions, and adapt to unexpected changes. Encourage self-directed learning and use the Compass – Journey Tracker for self-assessment and reflection.

Adventure Level 5: Legacy Creation

  • Description: The highest level focuses on creating a personal or community legacy, applying all the learned skills, habits, and behaviors to initiate real-world change or accomplish significant personal goals.
  • Implementation: Support guests in designing and implementing a capstone project or community initiative that reflects their journey and learning. Provide platforms for sharing their legacy projects, encouraging mentorship, and inspiring future guests.