The Couple’s Adventure

A Romance Journey Reality Experience.

12 Week Experience



Join 'The Couple's Adventure'—transform love, deepen connections


10 of 30 Spots Left!

Available in


RL: Real Life

The Couple’s Adventure

Reach the Journey Summit

Gear Up for immediate impact with Just In Time Training. Elevate your communication skills on-the-go, and engage with confidence in any social scenario.
What To Expect

Your Journey Route Plan

Building The Best Habits

On this Journey, you’ll be developing the following habits

Refining Your Skills

Challenged and Earned Skills include

Solution Crafting
Silent Symphony
Vision Crafting
The Art of Storyweaving
Emotional Alchemy



Stay Motivated and Guide By Expert Journey Coaches

Each week meet with a qualified guru to help you stay motivated and focused for the week’s challenges ahead.

Participate in Group Sessions alongside the other members of your Journey Reality Experience Cycle

If you need one-on-one time feel free to take advantage of the JourneyCare+ program.

Gain Unlimited Access to the Gear-Up Library:

Micro-Tutorials to guide you through Challenge Skill Gaps

Master New Experiences: From your first foray into wealth-building to the intricate task of reuniting your family. Our weekly updated micro-tutorials target the unique challenges you face in your Journey Reality Experiences.
Check out the GearUp Sessions for

"The Couple’s Adventure"

Up to 29 NEW Friendships Await You!

14 Weeks of Journey Reality Experiences Challenges has the potential to forge deep, lasting friendships.

What Everyone is Saying!

It Really Streamlines our delivery and pickup service. Regular customers have been ordering more often and their orders have been larder.

What Everyone is Saying

John Deo

It Really Streamlines our delivery and pickup service. Regular customers have been ordering more often and their orders have been larder.

What Everyone is Saying


It Really Streamlines our delivery and pickup service. Regular customers have been ordering more often and their orders have been larder.

What Everyone is Saying

John Deo

It Really Streamlines our delivery and pickup service. Regular customers have been ordering more often and their orders have been larder.

What Everyone is Saying


The Couple’s Adventure

Who this Journey Reality
Experience is for

Newly Committed Partners

Couples who have recently decided to deepen their relationship and are looking to build a strong foundation through understanding, communication, and shared experiences.

Long-term Couples Seeking Renewal

Partners in a long-term relationship or marriage who wish to rekindle their connection, introduce fresh energy into their partnership, and overcome any feeling of stagnation.

Partners Facing Challenges

Couples who are experiencing difficulties or challenges in their relationship and are seeking creative ways to address these issues, improve their communication, and strengthen their bond.

Over $25,000 of value packed into this Journey Reality Experience!!!



Initial Release Summer '24

Early Bird Special!

Secure this limited-time offer and reserve your spot for week 1

30% discount for 1st week!

Limited seats available – act now!

This Journey Reality Experience has a max of 30 people per Cycle Cohort

Join your CYCLE of the 2024 Spring Season of “Going Beyond Dating” with subscriptions tailored to your needs.



Per Week



weekly, billed one-time at $899

Save 25%
with this plan!

This Journey Reality Experience has a max of 30 people per Cycle Cohort

Frequently Asked

A Value Me Journey Reality Experience (JRE) is an immersive, personalized learning path that leverages augmented reality (AR), virtual reality (VR), mixed reality (MR), and artificial intelligence (AI) technologies to simulate real-life scenarios and challenges. Each JRE is designed to help you master specific skills, adopt beneficial habits, and undergo transformative growth aligned with your personal or professional aspirations. By participating in a JRE, you’ll live through the success stories of others, gaining practical experience and insights that are directly applicable to your goals, making education more engaging, accessible, and relevant to real-life objectives.

A Journey Season refers to a thematic or temporal grouping of JREs, organized into sequential cohorts, such as “Spring 2024.” Each season focuses on a specific theme or set of objectives, offering a curated selection of experiences that guide participants toward achieving targeted growth and development. Participating in a Journey Season allows you to experience communal participation with a cohort of peers, fostering a sense of belonging and mutual support. Upon completion, participants become part of an alumni network, enabling continued connections, networking, and access to longitudinal tracking of progress. Journey Seasons enrich the narrative of personal and collective transformation, emphasizing the journey from beginning the program to becoming part of an empowered community of alumni.

Journey Season Cycles structure participant engagement into sequential cohorts, such as “Spring 2024,” enabling communal participation and the formation of alumni networks. This approach enriches the participant experience by fostering connections based on shared timelines and experiences, supporting longitudinal tracking of progress, and enhancing the narrative of personal and collective transformation within the Value Me Journeys community.

While specific details may vary, typically, Value Me Journeys would offer a refund policy that allows participants to request a refund within a specified period after enrollment if they are not satisfied with the experience. The policy aims to ensure that participants feel secure in their investment and are comfortable with the commitment they are making. It’s important to review the specific terms and conditions provided at the time of purchase for exact details regarding refund eligibility and the process for submitting a refund request.

In the context of Value Me Journeys and based on the detailed design of the program, a failed challenge does not necessarily mean a journey participant must stop with the current cohort. Instead, the approach is more supportive and constructive, focusing on growth and learning from the experience. Here’s how this situation is ideally handled within the Value Me Journeys framework:
  1. Learning Opportunity: A failed challenge is viewed as a learning opportunity rather than a stopping point. It provides valuable insights into areas where the participant may need additional support, guidance, or skill development.

  2. Supportive Measures: Instead of requiring participants to leave their current cohort, Value Me Journeys would likely offer additional support to help them overcome the challenge. This could include personalized coaching sessions, targeted GearUp (micro-tutorial) Sessions, or additional resources tailored to the participant’s specific needs.

  3. Retaking Challenges: Participants may be given the chance to retake the challenge after undergoing the supportive measures, ensuring they can progress with their cohort. This approach maintains the communal and supportive spirit of the JREs.

  4. Discount for Future Cohorts: While offering a discount to join the next available cohort could be considered for participants who, despite additional support, decide to restart the journey, it’s more aligned with Value Me Journeys’ mission to first attempt to keep participants within their original cohort. This maintains the integrity of the journey experience and the collective progress of the cohort.

  5. Emphasis on Progress and Mastery: The overall philosophy of Value Me Journeys underscores progress through mastery and personal growth. The program is designed to accommodate learning at different paces, recognizing that failure is part of the learning process.

In summary, within Value Me Journeys, a failed challenge triggers a support mechanism rather than an automatic transition to a new cohort. This approach underscores the commitment to personalized learning paths and the belief in the transformative power of overcoming obstacles through resilience and support.


To select the right JRE, assess your personal goals, interests, and the outcomes you wish to achieve. Value Me Journeys offers a variety of JREs tailored to different aspirations, from improving fitness to advancing in your career. Consider what lifestyle change or skill development you are aiming for, and choose a JRE that aligns with these aspirations.

Participants receive comprehensive support, including access to Journey Coaches for personalized guidance, cohort-based learning for peer interaction and support, and AI-driven assistance to tailor the experience to your learning pace and style. This support structure ensures a holistic learning experience.

Participants may have the flexibility to switch JREs if their interests or goals change, subject to certain conditions and availability. It’s advisable to communicate any desired changes early to facilitate a smooth transition to a new JRE that better aligns with your revised goals.

JREs are highly interactive, combining individual learning with cohort-based activities. Participants will have opportunities for collaboration, peer learning, and group challenges, fostering a community of support and shared growth.

To participate in a JRE, you may need specific AR/VR hardware, access to apps, or software platforms, depending on the JRE’s format – The formats are Scripted Real Life (RL), Mixed Reality (MR), Virtual Reality (VR), and Augmented Reality (AR) Ensure you have the necessary technology and a stable internet connection to fully engage with the experience.

The time commitment for a JRE can vary but typically involves several hours per week. This allows for immersive learning without overwhelming participants. It’s crucial to plan your schedule accordingly to ensure you can dedicate enough time to the experience.

JREs are designed to cater to a wide range of participants, from beginners to those with more advanced skills. While some JREs may require foundational knowledge or skills, many are structured to accommodate participants at different levels of experience.

Progress is measured using a combination of self-assessment, feedback from Journey Coaches, and metrics or achievements within the JRE platform. This multi-faceted approach ensures a comprehensive understanding of your growth and areas for improvement.

Upon completing a JRE, participants may have access to alumni networks, further learning paths, and opportunities to apply newly acquired skills in real-life contexts. This continuation of the journey ensures that the learning and growth experienced during the JRE have lasting impacts.

Your Journey Reality Experience  can be paid for week-to-week as a payment plan. Value Me Journeys is committed to accessibility and may offer financial aid or payment plans to ensure that a wide range of participants can engage with JREs. It’s recommended to inquire directly about available options to support your participation.