Journey Reality Experiences

Enjoy an unforgettable experience with Value Me Journeys

Our Immersion entertainment education experiences are on the bleeding edge of technology-leveraged scripted reality to create unforgettable entertainment experiences or full life transformations.

A carefully planned and guided mixed-reality narrative for our guests

Each Journey Reality Experience is a carefully planned and guided mixed-reality narrative for our guests to develop the skills, habits, and access to new lifestyles by learning by pushing their boundaries and going into unstructured and dynamic environments to transform.

Each guest is provided the tools to stay sharp and alert
on their transformative journey.
Tools include

CompanionPRM – your AI buddy to consult with and guide you as you traverse each journey experience
Compass – Journey Trackers
Compass – Personal Journey Tracker | tracking your skill acquisition and personal relationship manager as you journey with us

Enjoy Categorical Experiences

We have various Rooms and Suites (JRE Categories) available, including Romance, Wealth, Family, Spiritual, Fitness, and Quests

What adventure level would you like?

Level 1: Guided Exploration

designed for guests new to the JRE format or those seeking to develop foundational skills and habits in a supportive, low-risk environment.

Level 2: Structured Challenges

At this level, guests engage in more structured challenges that require active decision-making within a controlled environment. The challenges reinforce foundational skills and introduce intermediate concepts that build upon Level 1 experiences.

Level 3: Collaborative Quests

This level emphasizes collaboration and teamwork in more complex and less predictable environments. Participants must work with others to overcome challenges, requiring communication, problem-solving, and adaptive learning.

Level 4: Independent Mastery

articipants at this level engage in advanced challenges with minimal guidance, simulating real-life situations and decision-making. This level is designed for guests who have developed a strong foundation in the relevant skills and are ready to apply them in unstructured, dynamic scenarios.

Level 5: Legacy Creation

The highest level focuses on creating a personal or community legacy, applying all the learned skills, habits, and behaviors to initiate real-world change or accomplish significant personal goals.

Narrative Immersion On/Off?

Narrative Immersion On/Off?

  • Immersive Experience: Narrative On mode, driven by either humans or AI, creates an immersive and story-driven experience. This can enhance emotional engagement, making the journey more memorable and impactful.
  • Adaptive Storytelling: Human or AI-driven narratives can adapt to the participant’s choices and responses, providing a personalized journey that reflects their decisions and learning progress.
  • Enhanced Motivation: The storytelling aspect can serve as a powerful motivational tool, driving participants to achieve their goals within the context of the narrative. It adds a layer of purpose and excitement to the challenges.

Narrative Immersion “on”?, then..



Science Fiction



How long will your
experience be?

[ ] Day Pass: Access to Verve narratives

[ ] Extended Stay: Multi-week packages
[X] VIP Experience: Tailored adventures with exclusive access, priority narrative customization, and personal AI companions.

Your Journey Support Team

made up of trained consultants, life coaches, mentors


Guest Options & Selections
AR/VR Accessibility Level
Our Journey Reality Experiences have various levels of accessibility to ensure our Journey Guests all enjoy the same memorable experiences
Augmented reality – Living Space enhancements
If the unstructured and dynamic environments are not accessible, we offer increasingly virtual access options, starting with
Virtual Reality – Living Space enhancements
If the unstructured and dynamic environments are not accessible, we offer increasingly virtual access options, starting with
Safety and Privacy
  • For guests seeking discretion in their adventures or narrative choices, privacy options are available.

  • Value Me Journeys prioritizes the safety and privacy of all guests engaging in Journey Reality Experiences (JREs). With state-of-the-art safety protocols, we ensure a risk-free virtual reality (VR) environment, allowing guests to immerse fully in their surroundings without facing real-world repercussions.

  • Scripted-Reality Access Interaction Mode Journey Reality Experiences are Learn-by-doing experiences that initiate Journey Guests into real-world, self-directed learning in unstructured, dynamic scenarios. 


Our Journey Reality Experiences are seasonal, with new experiences for you to fall in love with, be challenged by, and most importantly, transform with

For more selections

Journey Reality Experiences

Welcome to your next life!

Welcome to your Value Me Journey

Questions? Answers.

The Journey Reality Experience (JRE) is a core concept of Value Me Journeys, a platform that revolutionizes personal development by blending advanced technologies like augmented reality (AR), virtual reality (VR), mixed reality (MR), and artificial intelligence (AI) with immersive, real-life learning paths. These experiences are designed to gamify personal growth and skill acquisition, enabling participants to live through and learn from the success stories of others in a variety of fields and life paths.

JREs are categorized into different formats to cater to diverse needs and preferences, offering a range of experiences that include:

  • Real Life (RL) Scripted Experiences: These are the foundational experiences that involve participants in real-life scenarios, guided by journey support teams. The augmentation in these experiences might include elements like the Compass Dashboard, Zoom-based instruction, and mobile app peripherals to enhance the learning and engagement in real-world settings.

  • Head-set-based Versions: Aimed at individuals seeking the RL experience without local access, these versions introduce virtualized elements to emulate real-life experiences for those who might not have the opportunity to engage in them directly.

  • Mixed Reality (AR) JREs: These experiences augment the baseline real-life experience with third-party applications and tools, enhancing it without necessarily requiring a headset.

  • Augmented Reality (AR) JREs: Utilizing graphical overlays in participants’ spaces, these JREs enhance the user’s environment to support learning and skill development while maintaining access to the “People” component crucial for a comprehensive experience.

  • Virtual Reality (VR) JREs: Offering fully controlled environments, VR JREs allow participants to immerse themselves in experiences they might not have access to, including interactions with people, experiences, and places, guided by a journey team.

Value Me Journeys emphasizes experiential learning, where participants are not just passive learners but active participants in their personal development journey. Through JREs, individuals can undergo transformational experiences that aim at practical skill acquisition, habit formation, and behavioral change, thereby making education more engaging, accessible, and applicable to real-life goals. This approach seeks to democratize education, promote equity in learning opportunities, and foster a global community of continuous learners ready to tackle future challenges.

The Journey Reality Experience (JRE) incorporates various augmented reality (AR) elements to enhance the learning and engagement process for participants. These AR elements are designed to make the experiences more immersive, interactive, and applicable to real-world scenarios. Here’s a summary of the key AR elements and their applications within the JRE framework:

  1. Real-Life Scripted Experiences:

    • AR is used to blend virtual elements with the physical world, creating scripted scenarios that participants can interact with in real-time. These experiences simulate real-life challenges and opportunities, allowing participants to practice and apply new skills in a controlled yet dynamic environment.
  2. Enhanced Engagement Through Virtual Elements:

    • The use of graphical overlays and virtual objects in participants’ physical spaces enhances engagement by making abstract concepts tangible. For instance, AR can visualize complex data or theoretical models, making them easier to understand and interact with.
  3. Immersive Learning Paths:

    • AR creates immersive learning paths where participants can follow virtual guides or paths superimposed in their environment. This can help in navigating real-world locations or tasks, effectively bridging the gap between digital learning and physical application.
  4. Interactive Challenges:

    • Through AR, challenges become interactive experiences where participants can engage with virtual elements as part of their learning journey. This could include solving puzzles, completing tasks, or interacting with virtual characters, all of which are integrated seamlessly into the real world.
  5. Personalized Feedback and Guidance:

    • AR enables personalized feedback and guidance by allowing participants to interact with AI-driven characters or overlays that respond to their actions. This real-time feedback is crucial for learning and adjusting behaviors or strategies on the go.
  6. Visualization of Progress and Achievements:

    • Participants can visualize their progress and achievements through AR interfaces that display badges, progress bars, or other motivational elements in their immediate environment. This visual reinforcement helps in tracking goals and celebrating milestones in a tangible way.
  7. Enhanced Social Interaction:

    • AR elements can facilitate enhanced social interactions among participants by creating shared virtual experiences or collaborative tasks that can be accomplished together in the real world, fostering a sense of community and shared purpose.
  8. Integration with Real-World Objects and Spaces:

    • AR integrates virtual experiences with real-world objects and spaces, making learning deeply contextual and applicable. For example, participants might scan real-world objects to unlock information, tasks, or challenges related to their learning goals.

These AR elements collectively contribute to creating a rich, engaging, and effective learning environment that leverages the best of digital innovation and real-world application, embodying the core mission of the Journey Reality Experience to provide transformative and accessible educational experiences.

The Journey Reality Experiences (JREs) provided by Value Me Journeys offer a comprehensive and dynamic approach to personal and professional development, incorporating real-life challenges with augmented reality (AR), virtual reality (VR), and mixed reality (MR) technologies. These experiences are designed to facilitate skill acquisition, habit formation, and behavioral change in a structured yet flexible format that mimics real-world scenarios and objectives. Here’s a summary of the types of challenges you can expect across different JREs:

Real Life (RL) Scripted Experiences

  • Skill Acquisition and Lifestyle Tracking: Challenges are designed to help participants acquire new skills and track lifestyle changes, aiming for continual growth and transformation. These might include completing specific tasks that contribute to your personal or professional growth, tracking your progress through the Compass – Journey Tracker, and engaging in lifestyle coaching sessions​​.

Headset-based Versions of the JRE RL Model

  • Virtualized Elements Integration: For those without access to local resources, challenges incorporate virtualized elements to simulate real-life experiences, enabling skill development and personal growth in a virtual setting.

Mixed Reality (AR) JREs

  • Enhancement with Third-party Applications: These challenges utilize AR to enhance real-world experiences without the need for headsets, incorporating digital overlays and interactions that support skill development and behavior change in your actual environment.

Augmented Reality (AR) JREs

  • Graphical Overlays in Participant’s Spaces: Challenges include using AR to overlay graphics and information in your physical space, aiding in learning and task completion while maintaining access to real-world social interactions.

Virtual Reality (VR) JREs

  • Fully Controlled Environments: Challenges are set in entirely virtual environments, designed to simulate real-life scenarios for those who lack access to certain experiences, places, or people, ensuring a comprehensive learning and development journey guided by the Journey Team.

Specific Examples from “Building the Throne” – The Wealth Journey Reality Experience

  1. Become Urgently Valuable – Classic Middleman: Identify large revenue opportunities beyond current capabilities, involving training on opportunity identification and supply chain integration​​.
  2. Enrichment Campaign Trials: Engage in networking events to pitch economic opportunities, focusing on developing effective networking and pitch skills​​.
  3. Integration of Enrichment Campaigning Abilities & Social Influence: Expand social networks and influence through real-world scenarios, enhancing communication skills and strategic alliance building​​.

“Going Beyond Dating” – A Dating Reality Experience

  • Personal Development and Social Interaction: Challenges designed to improve relationship skills, emotional intelligence, and communication abilities, simulating scenarios that mirror the dynamics of dating and romantic engagements​​.

These experiences are scaffolded with support systems such as GearUp micro-tutorials for skill gaps, CompansionPRM for troubleshooting, and JourneyCare+ for one-on-one coaching, ensuring participants are well-supported as they tackle various challenges designed to emulate and enhance real-life experiences and goals​​.

The Journey Reality Experience (JRE) from Value Me Journeys is designed for a broad audience, aiming to cater to individuals, couples, and groups who seek significant change in their lives but may not know the path to take, the skills needed, or the discipline required to reach their goals. These Real Life Transformation adventures, which also include pure entertainment offerings, are crafted for those who desire something different for themselves and are aware that it exists but need guidance on how to achieve it. The program offers a world of clarity and a structured path to personal growth, skill acquisition, lifestyle coaching, and continuous transformation.

Participants are invited to start with logging onto BaseCamp, accessing their Journey Dashboard Subscription, and opening scheduled Zoom Calls where the journey begins or continues with challenges shared by the Journey Team. The Journey Active Support system includes tools like the Compass – Journey Tracker, GearUp micro tutorials, CompansionPRM, and JourneyCare+ to support participants in tracking skill acquisition, overcoming challenges, and ensuring they remain on schedule with challenge deadlines.

The JRE targets a diverse audience by offering different formats to enhance accessibility and effectiveness:

  • Head-set-based versions for individuals seeking the RL experience without local access.
  • Mixed Reality (AR) JREs that use third-party applications and tools to enhance the RL baseline experience without necessarily requiring a headset.
  • Augmented Reality (AR) JREs that provide graphical overlays in participants’ spaces to supplement their lack of access to experiences and places but still allow access to the “People” component of the experience.
  • Virtual Reality (VR) JREs that offer fully controlled environments for those without access to people, experiences, and places, ensuring a significant, team-guided journey experience.

This platform is for anyone looking to make a profound change in their life, whether it’s in their personal development, career, relationships, or any other aspect that contributes to their overall well-being and success​​.

During your journey with Value Me Journeys, you will receive comprehensive support to ensure a transformative experience. The support system includes:

  1. Journey Active Support:

    • Compass – Journey Tracker and PRM (dashboard): The Compass tool is at the heart of your journey, allowing you to log information to track skill acquisition, leaderboard placement, and unique data points required to overcome challenges​​.
  2. GearUp:

    • Micro Tutorials: These are 3-minute videos providing insights for specific skill gaps identified by you while attempting to clear a challenge task. GearUp sessions are designed to support your learning curve and skill development throughout the journey​​.
  3. CompansionPRM:

    • This tool is currently in prototype and accessible at a specific URL ( It acts as a Journey Crafter available for subscription, where you can speak about the tasks and troubleshoot real-life problems encountered during your journey. It also updates your Compass tool, ensuring your progress is accurately tracked​​.
  4. JourneyCare+:

    • This feature provides one-on-one sessions with the Journey Team, which includes Consultants, Mentors, and Motivators. They are available to help you overcome challenge tasks and remain on schedule with the challenge deadline. This personalized support is crucial for navigating difficulties and ensuring continuous progress​​.

This robust support structure is designed to guide you through your journey, offering both technological and human assistance. Whether you’re seeking to acquire new skills, overcome challenges, or require motivational support, Value Me Journeys equips you with the necessary tools and resources to achieve your goals and experience real change in your life.

The OpenAI-based Visual Chatbot, Value Me Journeys CompanionPRM, is designed to be a significant support tool for participants engaged in the Value Me Journeys experience. Here’s how it assists you during your journey:

  1. Real-Time Interaction: The CompanionPRM offers a platform where participants can engage in real-time conversations about their tasks and troubleshoot real-life problems they encounter while attempting to overcome challenges​​.

  2. Guidance and Support: It serves as a Journey Crafter, available for subscription, providing guidance, insights, and support tailored to the specific challenges you’re facing. This AI companion is designed to help you navigate through the tasks more efficiently and effectively​​.

  3. Accessibility and Convenience: With the CompanionPRM being accessible through a web interface (, you can easily reach out for assistance anytime you need. Its presence on the lower right of the chat window and the voice icon on the chat window make it user-friendly and easily accessible​​.

  4. Personalized Experience: The AI’s ability to engage in a conversation and provide specific advice makes your journey more personalized. It adapts to your unique challenges and offers solutions that are most relevant to your current situation.

  5. Skill Acquisition and Progress Tracking: The CompanionPRM can update your Compass tool with information about skill acquisition, leaderboard placement, and other unique data points required to overcome challenges. This ensures a seamless tracking of your progress and growth throughout the journey​​.

By integrating the CompanionPRM into your Value Me Journeys experience, you gain access to a responsive and intelligent assistant that enhances your learning, skill acquisition, and overall journey experience. This innovative use of AI technology ensures that you have the support and resources necessary to achieve your goals and overcome any obstacles along the way.

The Journey Reality Experience (JRE) from Value Me Journeys incorporates a strong community aspect designed to foster a sense of belonging, collaboration, and mutual support among participants. This community dimension is manifested through various program features and structures outlined in the documents provided. Here’s a summary of how the community aspect is integrated into the JRE:

  1. Cohort-Based Learning and Support:

    • Participants are encouraged to engage in cohort-based experiences, where they can form supportive communities. This peer learning and support network is crucial for providing a sense of belonging and mutual encouragement in their journeys, particularly beneficial for underrepresented groups in fields like STEM​​.
  2. Collaborative Exercises and Role-Playing:

    • Throughout the JRE, participants partake in collaborative exercises and role-play scenarios, especially during the GearUp sessions and Cohort Coaching. These activities are designed to simulate real-life challenges and decision-making processes, encouraging collaboration and peer learning​​.
  3. CompansionPRM (Personal Relationship Manager):

    • The CompansionPRM, a prototype AI companion, is available for participants to discuss their tasks and troubleshoot real-life problems they encounter while attempting to overcome challenges. This tool facilitates a conversational interface for participants to seek guidance and share experiences​​.
  4. JourneyCare+:

    • Offering one-on-one sessions with the Journey Team, which includes consultants, mentors, and motivators, JourneyCare+ provides personalized support to help participants overcome challenge tasks. This feature underscores the program’s commitment to individualized care within the community framework​​.
  5. Sharing Experiences and Strategies in Cohort Coaching:

    • The integration of Enrichment Campaigning Abilities & Social Influence challenges and Risk Management Focus tasks within the program includes cohort coaching sessions. These sessions allow participants to share experiences, strategies, and learn collectively, fostering a supportive learning environment​​​​.
  6. Feedback and Continuous Improvement:

    • Participants are encouraged to provide feedback on their experiences, which is integral for the continuous improvement of the JRE. This feedback loop not only enhances the program but also strengthens the community by valuing participant input and adapting to meet their needs​​.

The JRE’s emphasis on community is pivotal to its approach, aiming to create a dynamic and supportive ecosystem that enhances the learning experience. Through cohort-based activities, collaborative exercises, personalized support tools, and a feedback-driven continuous improvement cycle, Value Me Journeys fosters a strong sense of community among participants. This community aspect is vital for facilitating engagement, learning, and personal growth within the JRE platform.

An individual interested in pursuing a transformative journey would first engage with the platform by vesting in the Journey Store and selecting a Journey Reality Experience (JRE) tailored to their aspirations and goals.

Step-by-Step Guide:

  1. Explore the Journey Store:

    • The Journey Store serves as the central hub where participants can explore various JREs categorized based on lifestyle aspirations such as Wealth, Romance, Fitness, Family, Spirituality, and Entertainment. Each category offers niche Journey Reality Experiences that are targeted through social media and other channels, using video trailers to showcase the experiences, skills, and journey summits promised to those who overcome the weekly challenges​​.
  2. Select a Journey Reality Experience (JRE):

    • Participants are encouraged to select a JRE that resonates with their personal growth goals. The selection process is facilitated by detailed descriptions of what to expect, the skills to be acquired, how to prepare, and the availability of Journey Coaches​​.
  3. Reservation and Subscription:

    • After selecting a JRE, participants proceed to make a reservation and choose a subscription model that suits their preference. This could be a week-to-week subscription or a one-time payment, covering the entirety of the Journey Reality Experience​​.
  4. Engagement with the JRE:

    • Participants engage with their selected JRE through a blend of AR, VR, MR, and real-life scripted experiences. The approach depends on the specific format of the JRE chosen, whether it’s primarily AR-based for graphical overlays in the participant’s space, VR for fully controlled environments, MR for enhanced baseline experiences with third-party applications and tools, or RL for real-life transformation adventures​​.
  5. Utilization of Platform Tools and Support:

    • Throughout the journey, participants have access to various platform tools and support mechanisms designed to aid their progress. These include the Compass – Journey Tracker, GearUp micro tutorials for bridging specific skill gaps, CompansionPRM for real-time troubleshooting and guidance, and JourneyCare+ for personalized coaching sessions​​.
  6. Continuous Growth and Transformation:

    • The journey is structured to ensure continuous growth and transformation, with participants logging their progress, overcoming weekly challenges, and leveraging cohort-based learning and AI companions for a tailored and immersive learning experience​​.
  7. Completion and Beyond:

    • Upon completing a JRE, participants are expected to have achieved a significant transformation in their lives, mastering new skills, forming beneficial habits, and making meaningful behavioral changes aligned with their chosen lifestyle aspirations​​.

This structured approach ensures that participants are not just consuming content passively but are actively engaging in a life-enhancing program that promises real-world applicability and transformative outcomes. The process from vesting in the Journey Store to selecting and engaging with a JRE is designed to be seamless, encouraging broad participation and fostering a community that supports continuous growth and exploration.