Be Valued.

Project VAlue ME Journey Coaching

Anyone eager to achieve more tomorrow than today should consider a Journey Coach with Project Value Me. Our coaching clients are typically driven individuals seeking to enhance their personal growth and connections. It’s an invaluable resource for those with a clear vision and goals but need assistance in creating actionable plans or regaining momentum. Journey Coaches are perfect for those ready to tackle new, daunting challenges, step out of their comfort zones, or gain an advantage. Our clientele spans actors, business leaders, creatives, entrepreneurs, executives, homemakers, managers, professionals, small business owners, and start-up pioneers. Project Value Me coaching isn’t limited to those in crisis or underachieving; it’s designed to help a diverse range of people, including those who are already successful. Our Journey Coaches understand there’s always more to achieve and enjoy working with clients in various stages of their lives.

Either or both. Project Value Me coaching is ideal for providing unbiased guidance as you navigate significant life changes. A Journey Coach can help you clarify your goals and vision, steering you toward a more proactive path, regardless of your desired outcome. Project Value Me coaching can support you in enhancing your online dating experiences, nurturing your romantic relationships, fostering personal growth, and more. In many cases, a Journey Coach will assist you in multiple areas of life, as they are all interconnected to your ultimate well-being.

Every client is unique, but if you’re working with a Project Value Me Journey Coach, we recommend you stay in the program for at least one year. This allows you to build trust with your coach and develop effective strategies to achieve your goals. The first quarter of the sessions are used to identify limiting beliefs. The next three to six months are used to develop patterns to overcome those limiting beliefs. Thereafter, the coach will help you make those patterns second nature, part of your regular habits that you practice on a daily basis. For Project Value Me Journey Coaches, fostering independence and strength of mind is their top goal. They do not teach you to be dependent on their opinions or advice. Instead, they create self-empowerment so that you can make changes on your own. However, building new habits takes time, and your coach will want to ensure you have the skills to maintain your momentum long after you complete your Journey Coaching.

There are various styles and types of Journey Coaches to choose from in the Project Value Me program. While all of our Journey Coaches have been extensively trained and practice the strategies and techniques developed by Jermon Green, finding the right one is ultimately a question of fit. During your free introductory session, you will be able to determine if you and your Journey Coach have the right synergy. If not, you can be matched with a different one.

Begin with a complimentary 30-minute strategy session. During that session, you and your Project Value Me Journey Coach will:

  • Have you download the app if you’re looking for romantic companionship
  • Have you join the AdventureCraft Community if you’re seeking your friendship tribe
  • Have you complete the assessments: Partner Vision Board, Life Inventory Questionnaire, and 30-Day AdventureBoard
  • Determine where you are in the Value Me Way if seeking romance – Level 1, 2, or 3
  • If AdventureCrafting, find a Launch Tribe for you

After identifying three to five current barriers and limiting beliefs, you’ll set challenging goals and start defining a vision for your success. Once the session is complete, you can sign up to get a dedicated Journey Coach who will meet with you one-on-one each week via phone or video call to keep you accountable, help refine your vision, and prioritize your actions.

With the unique and innovative approach of Project Value Me, our Journey Coaches are trained in Jermon Green’s proprietary techniques and methodologies, which have empowered countless individuals to transform their lives. Unlike other coaching programs, your Project Value Me Journey Coach goes beyond the basics of strategy and mentoring. Your Journey Coach understands that the mind is the key to your success.

Even an excellent strategy won’t matter without the right mindset to implement it. What if you actively took control of your mind and redirected your focus towards living life at the next level? What if you had the tools to reprogram the way you think? To develop a mindset so positive and powerful that you design a life filled with fulfillment, joy, and passion? That’s the Project Value Me Advantage.

To start living your life at the next level, schedule a 30-minute strategy session today. In your session your Journey Coaching Strategist will assist you in defining your vision, setting goals that will challenge you and creating a plan of action that will allow you to achieve truly extraordinary results.