Foster deeper, authentic connections by recognizing and embracing our true value

What is Project Value Me?

Organic opportunities to grow your tribe or find your person through match-made virtual, hybrid, and local experiences. Navigating modern connections can be daunting, so we take care of the matchmaking and planning the organic opportunities for you.

What’s included in our match-made experiences

Let us handle the matchmaking, so you can connect effortlessly and enjoy shared experiences.

Virtual and Hybrid Experiences

Curated online and in-person events that foster connections and personal growth.

Match-Made Companionship

Expertly matched groups based on shared values and interests for a more personalized connection

Community Experiences

Regularly scheduled weekly community experiences for you to feel right at home

Personalized Guidance

Access to journey agents and group coaching sessions to support you throughout your experience.

Subsccription Boxes

Curated group unboxing of kits that include everything needed to souvenir the experience as it happens

Development Workshops

Personal growth through interwoven tailored workshop experiences.

 Offerings may vary slightly based on the type of experience chosen.

What to expect while virtual voyaging

Types of virtual adventures we offer

2-Week Virtual Adventure

1-Month Virtual Adventure

1 & 2 Week Virtual Adventures

Virtual and Hybrid Experiences Available

3 premium experiences and you decide on the company you want – romantic matches, friendship, or personal development, 1 week at a time.

Key inclusions:

Matched or Open Companionship

24/7 Local

Access to Experiences & Excursions

4-Week Curated Virtual Adventures

We'll plan it all while you discover self and companionship

Explore companionship each month for 4 weeks with a hand-picked community of like-minded people.
With the details taken care of, all you have to do is enjoy the ride.

Our Value Me Voyages also include:

Journey Agent Hosted Experiences

Subscription Boxes

Included Experiences & Excursions

Match-Made Community

2-Week: Virtual Adentures

1-Month: Virtual Adventures

How to book your next adventure

Get a Value Me Voyage Membership to access virtual, hybrid, and local experiences, member-exclusive voyage rates, and more.

2 ways to get the Value Me Voyage Membership

Book your first virtual voyage - it’s automatically included.

Become a member - now then plan your travel itinerary in the coming months.

Questions? Let’s chat.

Schedule a call with our team to find the perfect option for you.

What our community is saying.

We knew that Remote Year would take care of everything!

The thing that makes this a unique experience is definitely the community that comes along with it. We thought about traveling to a city by ourselves but we decided to go with Remote Year instead. Best decision ever! Thanks for being awesome!
-Drake Murphy

Living in new cities and working full

The thing that makes this a unique experience is definitely the community that comes along with it. We thought about traveling to a city by ourselves but we decided to go with Remote Year instead. Best decision ever! Thanks for being awesome!
-Laura Max McDonald

We knew that Remote Year would take care of everything!

The thing that makes this a unique experience is definitely the community that comes along with it. We thought about traveling to a city by ourselves but we decided to go with Remote Year instead. Best decision ever! Thanks for being awesome!
-Stefani Johnsen

Not ready for companionship?
Get connected with our Community Membership.